Commonly asked questions

Gas Boiler FAQs

Yes, we are registered number 586417 and you can find us by searching for ‘Kairi Heating Solutions’ on the Gas Safe Register here. Our team consists of qualified gas engineers and experienced plumbers, ensuring that you receive expert advice and reliable services. Whether you have heating concerns or require emergency repairs, our skilled professionals are on hand to help. 

Once you get in touch, we will be with you within 48 hours to carry out a survey and provide you with a free quote. Once accepted, work will then be carried out – a typical standard replacement of a boiler takes approx. 1 day.

Yes, we are available 24/7 for any gas and plumbing related emergencies with a call out charge.

There are several reasons this may occur, the most common reason is often due to a leak in the heating system or boiler. We will need attend to assess.

Annually. This is a requirement if your boiler is still under warranty, but also it is good practice to maintain and keep your boiler in good condition.

Annually. This is a requirement if your boiler is still under warranty, but also it is good practice to maintain and keep your boiler in good condition.

As a landlord, you are responsible for the gas safety of your tenants. You must ensure that all gas appliances are working correctly and safely. Therefore, every rental property that has any sort of gas appliance, whether it be a gas boiler, hob, oven or fire, requires a Gas Safety Certificate.